Class Information

We do all bookings for classes and school team power hours through our online portal. Your first class is a free trial class. Please review the instructions below on how to signup and follow this link to get started: Sign Up Today!

Portal Instructions:

class breakdown

Prices vary on weeks with more or less weeks. This pricing is based on a 4-week month.

Tumble Bears $50/month

Ages 3&4. This is a 45 minute class. In tumble bears they will focus on very basic tumbling skills: rolls, cartwheels, progression towards headstands, and bridges. They will also work on key drills that will start to build core strength and flexibility.

Basics $60/month

this class is for ages 5 and up and will be an hour long class. During this class they will focus on the basic tumbling requirements that help the athlete in the long run. Not only will they learn new skills in this class, but also learn to perfect the important basic skills that help in the long run. Skills worked on will include rolls, cartwheels, round offs, bridges, and handstands.

Walkovers $60/ month

This class is for ages 5 and up and will be an hour long. During this time athletes will work on the following skills: back and front walkovers, and then pairing the two skills. They will work both running and standing tumbling. Plus, they will work drills to help with connecting the skills, making the skills faster, and perfecting the technique of the skills.

Handsprings $60/ month

This class is for ages 5 and up and will be an hour long. During this time athletes will work on the following skills: back and front handsprings and working to connect handspring skills. They will work both running and standing tumbling. Plus, they will work drills to help with connecting the skills, making the skills faster, and perfecting the technique of the skills.

Tucks Class $60/ month

This class is for ages 5 and up and is a one hour class. During this time athletes will focus on both running and standing tucks. They will also work on front tucks. The class will include drills that help to perfect the tuck and help with speed and technique.

Layouts & Fulls $60/month

This class is for ages 5 and up and is a one hour class. During this time athletes will work on layouts and fulls, both standing and running. There will be an increase of attention on body shape and core ability.

Fly Class $50/month

This class is for ages 5 and up and is a 30 minute speciality class. During this time athletes will focus on drills and stretches to help build flying abilities.

Jump & StretchClass $50/month

This class is for ages 5 and up and is a 30 minute speciality class. During this time athletes will focus on drills, stretches, and exercises to help athletes improve and strengthen jumps.

Stunt Class $60/month

This class is for ages 5 and up and is a one hour class. During this class our 3 coaches will both stunt with the athletes and help the athletes to stunt together. This is for all stunting positions and each position will have focused drills and get feedback on how to better their stunting abilities.


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“Crush is a great gym with great coaches my daughter has learned so many cheer and tumbling skills. The All Star teams are great, you couldn’t ask for a better Gym for you daughter or son”

-Donna Evans

Try your first class on us!